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  • Motivation and Preventing Job Burnout
  • Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 03/01/2006
  • Publisher: AWWA


People think they won't suffer from burnout if they enjoy their work.It's not true. People who are very happy with their work can sufferfrom job burnout too. Burnout is mental, physical, and emotionalexhaustion that builds up over time. Usually a burnout victim is noteven aware of having burnout.Every job produces stress. Every job has the potential to "burnout"employees. "Positive" stress motivates us to respond, to take actionand get things done. Too much stress becomes "negative" and canbe harmful.Motivation (like happiness and success) is an emotional state or stateof mind; motivation has to come from within. Motivation is a byproductof doing other things. Many people today are out looking forsuccess, not based on their own definition but on the definitions setby others. We all tend to get so hung up on wanting to impress otherpeople that we fail to impress ourselves with what we believe to beimportant in life. My advice to you is to quit looking for something thatdoesn't exist. Don't rely on external forces to give you that sense ofsatisfaction or accomplishment. Look inside or within for the answersto some of your questions. Do what's right in your heart and youcan't go wrong.Being motivated, successful or just plain "happy" is a life-longjourney. It is not a destination, as so many people seem to think it is.It is not a destination because we never fully arrive. So stop lookingfor that end of the road or that time in life when you can sit back andsay, "I've arrived." Unfortunately, that time never comes.Are you a candidate for job burnout? Check the likelihood of yourburning out on the job by taking a self-scoring assessment (To begiven out at the session). Learn the relationship between motivationand avoiding or preventing job burnout. This session will provide asolid message with real "take home" value. Includes abstract only.

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