• AWWA ACE65221
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  • Sustaining the Water Infrastructure: Gaining Funding for the Long Term
  • Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 06/01/2007
  • Publisher: AWWA


The original Water Infrastructure Now report, AWWA's own Dawn of the Replacement Era,and other reports and papers have pointed out that replacement and refurbishment (R&R)costs are assuming ever-increasing importance in the funding needs of many utilities. Thehuge networks of assets installed after World War II are coming up for replacement, and thesources of replacement funding remain, in most cases, unclear.As a result, more and more utilities are trying to gain a better understanding of their futureR&R needs and to implement funding policies to ensure that enough funds will be availableto cover these needs and that their infrastructure can continue to provide the levels ofservice that their communities are accustomed to.The City of San Diego Water Department is no exception. The Department decided to gain abetter understanding of future infrastructure costs. These so-called "R&R costs" (forreplacement and refurbishment) are typically quite high and growing for mature utilities suchas San Diego's. The Department commissioned an information system named CAMS(Capital Asset Management System) to forecast these R&R costs and analyze fundingoptions. CAMS was designed to use the Department's existing asset database and to providethe capacity for ongoing analysis as the Department improved its asset knowledge.This paper discusses the Department's motives in undertaking the development of CAMSand describes CAMS itself in some detail. Includes figures.

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