• AWWA ACE54307
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  • Water Conservation for Diverse Land-Use Communities
  • Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 06/01/2001
  • Publisher: AWWA


In order to meet the water needs of the current and future population, water systems must develop efficient methods of water conservation and management. The 1996 Amendment to the Safe Drinking Water Act required the US Environmental Protection Agency to develop guidelines for use by water utilities in conjunction with their Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Programs for developing Water Conservation Plans (WCP). Although water conservation is voluntary, it is the federalgovernment's intent that it be routinely incorporated into utility planning and funding. Water conservation can help extend the value of life of infrastructure assets used in water supply and wastewater treatment. The Seminole Tribe of Florida (STOF) is located in the state of Florida. The Tribe's Water Utility is evaluating the future of each of their water treatment facilities. The water utility would like to integrate water conservation measures into its new water supply program to both quantify andreduce the current water usage. Developing a WCP for the Seminole water utility is unique from others in that the tribe consists of six different reservations that are located in various areas of the state and have diverse land-use types. Land-use types vary from commercial to agricultural rural areas. Techniques to enforce or ensure implementation of the WCP are also atypical, as water bills are not distributed among the Tribe's residents. The purpose of this paper is to present an overview of the Water Conservation Plan (WCP) developed for the STOF Public Utilities Department. The plan addresses regulatory requirements and identifies appropriate water conservation goals and measures for the STOF water systems. The plan provides for a consistent and concise policy toward conservation, and uniform enforcement among the six STOF water systems. Although not fully presented here, it also provides guidelines for fixture capacities, usage and drought condition emergency measures, and recommendations for a public education program. This paper outlines the water conservation plan for each of the six reservations. Includes tables, figure.

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