• ATIS 0500008
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ATIS 0500008

  • Emergency Services Network Interfaces (ESNI) Framework
  • standard by Alliance for Telecommunication Industry Solutions, 10/01/2008
  • Publisher: ATIS


This document defines the framework and structure of the Emergency Services Network Interfaces (ESNI) suite of standards. The ESNI suite of standards includes the Emergency Services Messaging Interface (ESMI) that provides interconnections between next generation PSAPs and the Emergency Services Network (ESNet), the Emergency Information Services Interface (EISI) which provides access to services within or external to the ESNet and the Emergency Services Network to Emergency Services Network (ENEN) interface that allows the interconnection and exchange of services between ESNets. Services supported by these standards may either be mediated or unmediated. Mediated services are provided to a PSAP or authorized agency through an Emergency Services Network Response Gateway (RG). Unmediated services are accessed directly from the next generation PSAP to the service. The Emergency Services Network Interface suite is the evolution of the Emergency Service Network that provides sophisticated and robust services to the PSAP and other authorized agencies. This suite enables a direction toward a next generation Emergency Services Network.

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